Sustainable development

GCC Company shares the collective awareness of sustainable development and pursues a requirement process already underway for several years.

Defend the value of life on our sites :

To ensure safety and health of its employees and its customers, the company implements GCC on its sites review and control of risks associated with its benefits. The exemplary and everyone's involvement in the implementation and enforcement of the rules is a guarantee of success.

On all its activities, the GCC ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations strengthen professional practices to make them even safer.

Establish a trusting relationship with our clients based on listening, transparency and innovation :

The trust of our clients is our guarantee of quality of our services and the efficiency of our organizations. In addition, GCC has always defended the ethics of such trade relations by training managers and the establishment of controls for compliance.

Develop the skills of our people and promote equality of opportunity :

GCC continues to invest in training for all and more specifically, the improvement of professional skills of each employee. GCC also mobilizes to make its activities accessible to persons with disabilities, to promote the employment of older workers and promote diversity within its workforce.

Respect the environment in the course of our activities :

GCC aims to control its energy consumption and its impact on the environment, including water and waste production. We partner with our clients to develop or improve our services in order to reduce their environmental footprint.

Participate in local social and economic life

GCC encourages the development of collective actions that involve, for the values of solidarity and mutual aid agency staff to social or economic environment.

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